sábado, 11 de noviembre de 2017

Carrot cake with pecans.. You will love it.


Surprise to your guest with this delicious carrot cake, I tried and tried carrot cakes but this is the recipe that I really love.. It is really tasty.


Para el pan:
1 1/2 Cup of sugar.
2 Cups of wheat flour.
2 teaspoon of cinnamon.
3 Eggs.
1/2  Cup of Chopped and toasted pecans.
1 teaspoon of  Vanilla.
1 teaspoon of baking powder.
1 teaspoon of baking soda.
1/2 teaspoon of salt.
3/4 cup of oil.
3 cups of grated carrot.

Frosting covering:
1/4 Cup of butter (At room temperature)
200g. Cream cheese (At room temperature)
2 1/2 Cup Iced sugar.
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla.
Pecan toasted and chopped.

How to prepare:
1. First thing to do is toast the pecans in microwave oven or in the oven as you prefer. I did in oven and it takes for me about 3 min... you will notice the smell when is ready.
2. Finely chop the pecans and put aside.
3. In a bowl with strainer add the 2 cups of wheat flour, 1 1/2 cup of sugar, 2 teaspoonful of cinnamon, 1 teaspoon of baking powder, 1 teaspoon of baking soda, 1/2 teaspoon of salt. and mix.
4. Add to the electric mixer and start to mix, add the eggs, the oil and 1 teaspoon of vanilla, add the grated carrot and for last add the chopped pecans.. Mix for 3 minutes... you will notice the consistency of the mixture.
5. Grease and dust with flour 2 mold and add the mixture.
6.Oven pre-heated to 180C.
7.Put in oven the mixture and leave from 20 to 30 min. Check with toothpick and if the cake is reade. Let to cold.
8. In the electric mixer add 1/4 cup of butter at room temperature and star mix.
9. Add 200gr of cream cheese and 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla.
10. Add the 2 1/2 cups of iced sugar.
11. Remove from electric mixer. The frosty covering is ready.
12. Once cold the cake.. cover the 2 layers of the cake with the frosting cream and put in refrigerator for about 30 min.
13. After 30 min. decorate with the pecans.
14. Put in refrigerator for about 1 hour more and enjoy.đź’—đź’—

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