viernes, 23 de marzo de 2018

Lava cake- Easy and delicious dessert.


Some time before I tried this delicious dessert and I fall in love completely... Why? Who doesn't love chocolate? :))). What will be of the world without chocolate?....Well... In that moment, I thought... What kind of sorcery is that?.I imagine that you need to be expert to makes this dessert, but, one day I really wanted to eat one so I try to prepare, I research too much recipes to do this dessert and try different chocolates and different amounts. The ones I had in home, I use one chocolate for melting with less percentage of chocolate, the result... more liquid, but still delicious :)). If you want to have a better result use semisweet or bittersweet chocolate. I use a chocolate with 70% of cocoa, but,  with a chocolate of 35-40% will be great also. I use Ramekins, but, you can use Individuals muffins molds.
TRICK: At the moment that u add butter and flour to your mold, remove the excess of flour and tap the mold upside down in a plane surface. With this,your cake will looks better. You want to prepare this recipe:

160 gr of chocolate. (Semisweet or bittersweet)
100gr. butter.
3 Eggs.
30gr. or 2 Tablespoon of flour.
70gr. o 4 Tablespoon of sugar.
1 Pinch of salt.
1/4 Cup of Hazelnuts or pecan ground and toasted. (If you put to toast in the microwave oven it will take from 2-3 min and in stove from 5-6 min).

How to prepare:
1.Melt chocolate and butter, over a bain Marie, stir occasionally and let to cool down.
2. Grease and flour each of the baking mold you are using. Ramekins or individuals muffins molds. tap upside down the mold. With this trick you can remove easily the cake and will looks better.
3.In a bowl, mix the eggs, sugar, pinch of salt and the vanilla. Whisk perfectly until combine well all the ingredients and then,add the chocolate that will not be  too hot by this moment. Add slowly mixing and add the flour, continue mixing until removing the lump.The final touch, add the ground hazelnuts or pecans and mix until combine.
4. Add the mixture in each mold, do not overfill. Leave like 2 Cm without filling. Cover with plastic wrap and take to the freezer the ones you will not use in that moment. When you need, remove from freezer, leave them until they are at room temperature and put to bake. With this mixture you can fill 4 ramekins or from 5-6 individuals muffins molds.
5. Take to the oven preheated to 200 C from 8 to 10 min. It will depend of your oven. In my case it takes just 10 min. If you want to be more liquid than mine then just leave like 8 min. as recommendation don't take to the oven all at same time. Put only one to try and then you will decide if need more or less time. Something that you will notice that the edges start to be cracked and medium still down. In that moment you can remove from oven.
6.Decorate with icing sugar and add some fruits if you wish and pair it with a delicious Ice cream.

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