jueves, 22 de febrero de 2018

Easy to make and so delicious Bread rolls with cheese


This Bread rolls with cheese, are so easy to make, delicious and soft that people around you will think you buy on store. Try to prepare, you will not be regret. You can fill with the cheese you like the most and even you can add cheese with marmalade or use any other sweet filling.
IMPORTANT NOTE: When you remove from oven, let it cool down, covering with a cloth immediately. With this your bread rolls will be soft.

500gr. Flour.
100ml. Oil.
300ml. Milk.
40gr.  Fresh yeast. Also can substitute with powder yeast.
2 teaspoon of salt.
1 teaspoon of sugar.
150gr Cheese that you like. In my case I use Fresh cheese, you can use cream cheese, goat cheese, feta cheese. Etc.
100gr. of Sour cream.

How to prepare:
1. In a bowl, add the flour and salt. Mix until combined.
2. Add the oil, fresh yeast sprinkle with hands, the sugar and the milk. Mix until combine perfectly. At beginning use a spoon then add bit of flour on your hands and mix. If necessary add more flour until the dough can be remove from bowl.
3.In a flat surface, sprinke flour and knead the dough until get the desired consistency. Not sticky and not too hard.
4. Add the dough into the bowl and let it rest until double the size. Covering with a cloth.
5. When dough double the size. Sprikle again flour into the flat surface and remove the dough from the bowl. with care using 2 hands. Knead again for about 1 min and shape into roll. Cut in 3 pieces.
6. Take one of the pieces and with the rolling pin make a circle.
7.Cut in 8 pieces the circle. In the point of each triangle make an aperture using the knife.
8. Mix the cheese with the cream.
9. Put 1 teaspoon of the cheese and cream mixture in the middle of each triangle. (Recommend to see the video also)
10. Close the triangle covering the cheese, seal all the corners and givin the shape of roll. Don't forget to seal perfectly so the cheese keep inside the rolls. Is very important also seail good the point of the triangle at the end to not open.
11.Put the rolls in a baking tray with baking paper. If you don't have baking paper. you can put bit oil and flour on the baking tray.
12. Mix the remaining cheese with the eggs and with a brush add up the rolls. Sprinkle the sesame seeds and a bit of thyme in each one.
13.Put in oven preheated to 180 C from 15-20 min. It will depend of your oven. Can be more or less time.
14. When you remove from oven, let to cool down in the baking tray and cover with a cloth, It will help to the rolls be soft.

Enjoy your delicious bread rolls.

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