lunes, 18 de septiembre de 2017

How to make bolognese lasagne, traditional way... not easy, but tasty.. :)

My Bolognese Lasagna recipe.

This recipe is not easy to make if you prepare all the sauce, it take time, but at the end, you will not be regret, I hope you enjoy...


  • 800 gr of Lasagna pasta.
  • 700gr of ground meat.
  • 2  teaspoonful of dried basil.
  • 1/2 Onion.
  • 2 Garlic cloves.
  • Salami or Pepperoni (Optional)
  • Mozarella cheese.
  • Gouda Cheese.

For tomato sauce:

  • 2 Tomatoes.
  • 1 Cup of Tomato sauce.
  • White wine.
  • 1/4 of onion.
  • 1 Garlic clove.
  • 1/4 Teaspoonful of cumin.
  • 1/4 Teaspoonful of Vegeta (Stock vegetable powder).
  • 1 Teaspoonful of sugar.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.
  • 1 Teaspoonful of oregano.

For bechamel sauce with cheese:

  • 90 gr. or 3/4  of cup of wheat flour.
  • 1 liter or 4 cup of milk.
  • 90 gr or 6 and half tablespoon of butter.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.
  • 1/4 of cup of parmesan cheese.
  • 1/4 of cup of Gouda cheese.

How to prepare:

1. You will need to prepare the tomato sauce or if you want you can substitute for tomato sauce that you can buy on store.
If you want to prepare as me the sauce then you will need:

  • Boil the tomatoes and peel.
  • Once peeled, add to the mixer.
  • Add half of water, 1/4 of onion and 1 garlic clove.
  • Salt and pepper to taste, add 1/4 of teaspoonful of cumin,1/4 teaspoonful of Vegeta(Stock vegetable powder), 1 teaspoonful of sugar, mix all ingredients.
  • Add the sauce using strainer and put to heat, add 1 cup of tomato sauce that you buy on supermarket already prepared.
  • Leave to boil, add 1 teaspoonful of oregano and white wine. I use 1/4 of cup and and the other 1/4 I add to the meat.
  • The sauce is ready.

2. To prepare the meat, you will need:

  • In a hot pan with oil, add the garlic clove finely chopped and just after you start the delicious smell of the garlic you add the onion finely chopped, leave until change to transparent. move with spatula.
  • Add the meat and salt and pepper to taste.
  • Fry until golden brown.
  • Add 3 teaspoonful of basil and 1/4 of white wine.
  • Add tomato sauce and leave in low heat, and wait until the sauce is consumed a bit, continue moving with the spatula.
  • Put aside.

3. For the bechamel sauce with cheese:

  • The firs thing you need to do is heat the pot and add 90Gr. of butter.
  • When butter is melted, add the 90 gr. of wheat flour, mix with whisk until combine, don't stop whisking, low heat.
  • Little by little add the milk, dont stop whisking, add salt and pepper and the cheese you chose, in my case, I use 1/4 of parmesan cheese and 1/4 of gouda cheese, continue whisking in low heat.
  • Whisk until creamy, it takes for me 15 min.
  • Ready your bechamel sauce, put aside.

3. Is finally time to prepare our delicious lasagana:

  • In my case, I use pre-cooked lasagna, I couldnt find lasagna to cook, even though, I put to cook from 5 to 7 min. this is to make it soft when cooked, if you find not pre-cooked lasagna is better, will be softer, you will need to boil more, just follow the instructions of the box.
  • To cook you will need a big pot and add olive oil to not stick and 1 garlic clove.
  • Put separate if you can in an absorbent towel.
  • When you have all lasagna boiled, is the time to prepare lasagna.
  • Pre-heat the oven to 200C.
  • Grease the mold, use butter.
  • Add in the mold the lasagna noodles, it will depend of the size of your mold, in my case it fit 5 lasagna noodles.
  • Add the cheesy bechamel sauce covering all the lasagna noodles.
  • Add the ground meat already prepare with our delicious tomato sauce, optional you can pepperoni or salami above the meat, but if you want traditional way to prepare is just the meat.
  • Add the ground cheese that you choose, in my case I use mozzarella and gouda, you can add also cottage and put between the meat and the ground cheese.
  • Add the other lasagna noodles and agan add the bechamel sauce, the meat and the cheese.
  • The process will continue until you finish all your ingredients, in my case was 4 wraps.
  • At the last wraps of lasagna I just add the bechamel sauce and the cheese.
  • The oven should be pre-heated to 200, at the moment you will put the lasagna to the oven, reduce to 180C.
  • Leave the lasagna from 30-45 min, this will depend of your oven, in mi case, it takes 40 min. also you should check when start bubble the cheese it means is ready, leave until golden the cheese a bit.

Enjoy your delicious Bolognese Lasagna!!!.. not easy, but tasty...

viernes, 15 de septiembre de 2017

The best Mexican pot beans, Mam recipe with my ingredients.

Mexican Pot Beans.

The pot beans are from Mexico, I made some changes to the dish because here I couldn't find chorizo(Spicy pork sausage), in your case, if you find, you can use it and fry just after you fry the bacon.
I use Suho meso (Beef Dried meat), it is use too much here, where I am now, this is totally optional,I like the flavor dried meat give to the beans, but, if you prefer you can use beef or pork ribs, for this, you will need seal the meat, salt and pepper to the meat, but don't use too much salt remember you will put salt to the beans when they are cooked, normally after 1 hour of boiled, you will leave with the meat and the sauce one hour more because if you leave more time, the meat will give good flavor to the beans.

  • Bay or pinto beans.
  • 3-4 Tomatoes. (In my case I just use 3 because my pot is small).
  • 4 Slices of bacon (chop to put in beans)
  • 4 Sausages.
  • 3/4 of onion (1/4 for boil the beans, 1/2 for sauce).
  • 2 Garlic cloves ( 1 for boil the beans, 1 for sauce).
  • Dry meat (Optional, you can use also beef or pork ribs, but you need to put salt and pepper to the meat and sail before put in beans)
  • Chopped coriander.
  • Vegeta or Vegetable stock powder.
  • Cumin.
  • Salt and pepper.
  • Sugar.

How to prepare:

1.Clean the beans, From one night before or for 5 hours put in water the beans, make sure to cover well all beans fill the container
because the beans expand.
2.With strainer, remove all water from beans and then put in a pot with clean water.
3.Add 1/4 of onion and 1 garlic Clove, leave in medium-high heat, review and add water when necessary.
4.After 1 hour review the beans and if beans are cooked, add salt and the meat,leave them to continue cook with the meat, add water
if necessary.
5. Leave the beans in low heat.
6. For the sauce:

  • Put to cook the tomatoes in water.
  • After cook, peel the tomatoe and add to the mixer.
  • Add 1/2 onion and 1 garlic clove.
  • Put water (I use also bit of water from the beans that are cooking, I add also the onion and garlic clove that I remove from the beans,
  • this is optional, I like the flavor that give to the sauce)
  • Pepper to taste
  • Cumin (half of teaspoonful).
  • Vegeta (Vegetables stock in powder) I use les than a half of teaspoonful, If you want, use instead only salt, but remember that beans
  • already have salt, so, dont put too much.
  • Mix all ingredients.

7.If the sauce is ready, add with a strainer (I forgot to use :(... but even though, were delicious), Don't turn off the beans,
continue in low heat.
8.In a pan with little bit of oil or without oi if  you are using teflon, add the chopped bacon, the bacon when start fry will release
oil, that's why you don't need oil, actually, you can remove bit of oil from bacon to not have too much greasy your beans,
add the sausage and fry until golden, not too much, you don't want to burn it.... :)
9.Add the bacon and sausage to the beans that continue in low heat with the sauce and meat.
10.Review the beans let them one hour more with all ingredients in low heat to have good tasty beans, cover it and review, if need 
more water, you can add.
11.After 1 hour with all ingredients and in low heat, add the chopped coriander, if like me, you didn't get natural coriander, you can add dry parsle or dry chives, but the coriander, will give really good flavor, leave for 10 more minutes and put aside.

(Tip: If you get Chorizo, you can add just after you add the bacon, fry and then add the sausage.)
I hope you enjoy this delicious dish, Very Mexican, and because is September 15.. :)... 
QUE VIVA MEXICO!!!... :). 

jueves, 14 de septiembre de 2017

Best stuffed pepper in pot


How to make an easy stuffed pepper in pot.This dish is traditional from Bosnia I Herzegovina and is really easy to make and delicious, the flavor that give potatoes and pepper in the pot is really tasted.

What you will need for this delicious easy recipe  from Balkans is:

Ingredients:(3-4 Portions)
  • 400Gr of Minced meat
  • 1/2 of Onion.
  • 2 Garlic Gloves.
  • Red pepper powder(Paprika powder).
  • Vegeta(Vegetable stock powder).
  • 1 Cup of rice.
  • Dry parsley.
  • Cumin.
  • Salt and pepper.
  • 7 small green peppers.
  • Olive oil.
  • 2 Tomato,
  • 1 box of tomato sauce.
  • flour.
  • 2 potatoes.

How to make:
1. Chop 1/4 of onion and 1 garlic glove, chop 1 potato in small cubes and 1 into Julienne.
2. Add the chop onion and garlic to the minced beef also you should put 1 chopped potato, 1 teaspoonful of Vegeta(Vegetable stock powder)  and 2 teaspoonful of red pepper(Paprika) powder, the cup of rice, 1/2 teaspoonful of parsley, a pich of cumin and last but not least Salt and pepper to taste. (Be ready to mix all ingredients with hands).
3.Fry the mix meat with bit of olive oiluntil change color of the meat.
4. Clean the peppers perfectly and with a knife cut from up removing the capsaicin glands and all the seeds, wash also inside.
5. Fill the peppers with the meat already fried, if you prefer you can fill with the row meat is the  way people in bosnia prepare,  also taste delicious.
6. In a pot put Olive oil, in my case I could get homemade olive oil, then add the peppers and between the peppers put the potato cut in Julienne and up the peppers.
7.  For the sauce to cover the peppers, you will need to use two tomatoes already boiled and peeled. Add the 2 tomatoes with 1/4 of onion and 1 clove of garlic in the mixer and add Salt and pepper to taste and also 1 teaspoonful of vegeta, add water to cover all the tomatoes and mix.
8. Put the sauce and water in the pot with the peppers covering perfectly the peppers and potatos and put to boil with high heated,  if you have still bit of meat that you were using for filling the peppers put also in the pot and cover it. Wait until start boiling.
9. when start boiling reduce to medium heat and leave for 20 -25 minutes.
10. To make dense the sauce:

  • In a hot pan you should put 2 tablespoon of butter and 1 teaspoonful of olive oil.
  • Add 2 tablespoon of flour, one by one slowly stir with the spoon and mix perfectly with the butter.
  • Add 1/2 of teaspoonful of red pepper(paprika)powder stir and incorporate to the mix.
  • Add 1/2 cup of tomato sauce, stir and incorporate.
  • Add a bit of the sauce which you are using for boiling the peppers.
  • Mix all ingredients, turn off that heating and add again to the pot with the peppers that continue heating in medium heating, cover and leave for 10 min more.


Tasty omelette with mushrooms, ham and cheese.


If you are hungry but you want to make something simple and fast because you don't have too much time, why not to try to make a Delicious Omelette? and try to show your intern chef, you will not be regret is not so difficult as it looks on restaurants, here I will give you the steps to make the best omelette...


  • Oil.
  • Butter.
  • 2 Eggs.
  • Ham.
  • Cheese.
  • 5 Mushrooms.
  • 1 garlic clove.
  • 1/4 of Onion (Optional).
  • White wine.

Remember you need to wash the onion perfectly and the mushrooms. For the mushrooms you will need to peel the cap and cut the tail or stem, after this you will need to cut in slices. The onion you can chop in julienne or in cubes if you prefer, The garlic clove you need to peel and chop in small pieces.

Try to use Teflon pan, with this you will not use too much oil and the eggs will not stuck.

Is important to use a spoon to give shape to the omelette, you can see the video to see how to do.

How to prepare:

First you will need to prepare de mushrooms, if you want this here are the steps:

1. Put to heat little bit of oil in the pan.

2. Once is hot, add the chopped garlic clove in the pan wait some seconds and put the onion, wait until the onion look transparent, at  that moment you can add the mushrooms and add salt and pepper to taste as well as oregano or parsley, wait some minutes until the mushrooms shrink and then add the white wine, leave 2 minutes more and put aside.

To preare the Omelette:

1.Mix the eggs until the yolks are completely mixed and add the salt and pepper to taste, you can include other spices if you want as dry parsley.

2.Put the pan on high heat and add the oil, when is hot, add the butter.

3.Add the eggs and inmediately put in medium-low heat.

4. Take the handle of the pan and move in circle trying to make a tortilla, filling arund with the eggs.

5. when you start to see in the pan the omelette is changing of color in surface still you will have row eggs, try to distribute perfectly with this you will make the eggs thinner and well distributed to turn it.

6.If you like the eggs not well done you can start putting the mushrooms, chopped ham and too much cheese as you like there and then bend the eggs with the slotted turner.

7. If you like the eggs well done, you will need to turn the eggs carefully using if possible two slotted turner.

8. Once turned the eggs you can start adding the Mushrooms, chopped ham and cheese.

9. Wait to cook well some minutes and then, bend the eggs with the slotted turner and remove from the pan.

That is all, you have your delicious Omelette 馃槉

martes, 12 de septiembre de 2017

The best Zucchini Fritters with cheese, Light and delicious.

Zucchini Fritters with cheese.

Hello!...馃槉... You want something healthy and delicious? Give it a try t my delicious recipe, you will love it, with 2 large zucchini I can get 8 Zucchini Fritters.


  • 2 Large zucchini.
  • 1/4 Of onion.
  • 1/4 Cup of breadcrumbs.
  • 5 Tablespoon of wheat flour.
  • 1/2 Teaspoonful of baking powder.
  • 2 Eggs.
  • 1/2 Cup of parmesan Cheese.
  • 1/4 Cup of Feta Cheese.
  • 1/2 Tablespoon of parsley.(If you prefer,you can use fresh).
  • Pepper to taste.
  • Salt.


  • 1/2 Cup of Sour Cream.
  • 1/2 Cup of yogurt.
  • Finely chopped Chives to taste.
  • Pepper to taste.

How to prepare:

1. Chop the tip of the zucchini and grate.
2. Put 1 teaspoonful of salt and leave for 15 min.(This you should do to remove the water of the zucchini).
3. With a strainer and spoon remove all water you can, squeeze with your hands if possible, remove as much water as possible.
4. Once dried put in a bowl and add grated onion.
5. Add 1/2 tablespoon of parsley(you can use fresh parsley if you like) and pepper to taste.
6. Add 1/4 cup of bread crumbs.
7. In other bowl mix 1/2 teaspoonful of baking powder and 5 tablespoon of wheat flour.
8. Add the mixed flour to the zucchini.
9. Add 1/2 cup of Parmesan cheese and then 1/4 of Feta cheese.
10.In other bowl mix 2 eggs and then add the mix to the zucchini.
11.Put oil to heat in a pan, as you see in video I didn't use too much oil.
12.Take a small amount of the mix, shape it up and put in the pan carefully.leave from 3 to 4 min, review and turn around until golden.
13.Put the zucchni fritters in a plate with paper to remove the excess of oil.
14.Enjoy with the dressing or make a delicious vegan burger if you prefer.

For dressing:
1. Just need to add the 1/2 cup of sour cream and 1/2 cup of yogurt, finely chopped chives or if you can or want, you can try to find dried chives, add pepper to taste and mix all.

Enjoy your healthy and delicious meal... 馃槉

How to make a delicious potato and zucchini cheesy pie.


Hello...馃槉 you are today in the mood to prepare something different, check the next recipe, is a traditional dish from Bosnia I Herzegovina, hope you enjoy it.


  • 3 Potatoes.
  • 1 Zucchini.
  • 1 Full Teaspoonful of salt and pepper to taste.
  • 1 Cup of cornflour (If you can not get it, you can only use wheat flour).
  • 2 Cups of Wheat flour.
  • 12g of Baking powder.
  • 1 Cup of Kajmak (Sour Cream).
  • 1 Cup of Cottage, Ricotta or cream Cheese.
  • 4 Eggs.

How to prepare:

  1. Wash perfectly and peel the potato and the zucchini.
  2. In a Bowl strain the 3 potatoes and the zucchini.
  3. Add the 4 eggs and mix using one spatula or spoon.
  4. Add the sour cream cup and the cheese cup (Cottage, Ricotta, cream Cheese) and mix.
  5. Add a full teaspoonful or salt to taste. just remember when you put in oven and is potato you will need to use more salt. Add pepper to taste.
  6. Add the cup of cornflour in case you can get it.
  7. In other bowl mix the 2 cups of wheat flour with the 12g of baking powder, mix perfectly with the hand, then, add this mix to the bowl that contain all ingredients, mix continously until get a smoothy and creamy mix.
  8. Grease and dust with flour the mold.
  9. Add the mix in the cake-pan and add to the oven pre-heated at 200C.
  10. Bake from 25 to 30 min. until you watch the cake go up and change color. you can check with a fork if necessary.
  11. In other bowl mix 1/2 cup of cream and 1/2 cup of milk, you can add bit of salt to the mix if you wish.
  12. Remove the cake from oven, cut and put the mix of cream and milk covering all the cake, then, put again in oven from 5 to 10 min. more.

Once ready, enjoy it... You can serve with chicken,meat,etc.
In Bosnia this is a main dish that you can eat with kajmak or sour cream and Feta cheese.

lunes, 11 de septiembre de 2017

Delicious Chocolate bites/No oven needed.

Chocolate bites/Cokoladne kuglice

If you want to make an easy and delicious dessert, try this chocolate need oven!.
You will love it...馃槉

  • 300g. biscuit(you can buy ground biscuit, if you wish).
  • 100ml of milk..
  • 100g of butter.
  • 100g of coconut flakes.
  • 100g of dark chocolate.
  • 1 Cup of sugar(If you dont like too much sweet, you can use 1/2 cup).
  • 70g. of coconut flakes for decorate.

How to prepare:
  1. Use a mixer or food processor for ground the biscuits, also you can find in supermarket ground biscuits.
  2. Heat 100ml of milk in a pot.
  3. Add the cup of sugar and mix until melted.
  4. When sugar is melted, add 100g of butter and disolve until melted.
  5. Add 100g of chocolate bit by bit until melted.
  6. Put aside.
  7. Add 300g of ground biscuit and mix gradually until perfectly combine biscuits and chocolate.
  8. Add ground walnut and combine perfectly with the chocolate and cookies.
  9. Add coconut flakes to the mixture gradually and combine.
  10. Leave to cool at room temperature
  11. Take small amount and shape it up using your hands.
  12. Roll into coconut flakes.
  13. Refrigerate from 30 to 40 min.
Enjoy your delicious chocolate bites.... 馃槉