viernes, 6 de octubre de 2017

Entomatadas(Easy breakfast and delicious).


Entomatadas are part of the Mexican gastronomy. Is a typical dish that usually people serve as breakfast. In some parts of the republic it is accompanied with Tasajo (thinly sliced grilled beef).This dish is delicious and easy to prepare, you can add chili if you want.


6 Tomatoes.
1/4 Onion.
2 Garlic clove.
1/2 tsp.Cumin.
1 level tsp. Vegetable
stock powder.
1/4 tsp. thyme.
Salt to taste.
Pepper to taste.
1 Cinnamon chunks.
1 bay leaf.

How to prepare:

1. Boil the tomatoes.
2.Once boiled. Add to the mixer with onion and 2 garlic cloves (Garlic is optional, you can add only one or if you dont like just put onion).
3. Add 1/2 teaspoonful of cummin, 1 teaspoonful of Vegeta (Vegetable stock powder), Salt to taste, pepper to taste, 1/4 teaspoonful of thyme, 1 cinnamon chunks, 1/2 teaspoonful of Oregano, 1 Bay leaf and water that should cover tomatoes just up to tomatoes
4. Mix all ingredients.
5. Put a pot in medium heat and with strainer add the tomato sauce that you prepare.
6. Leave to boil until integrated all spices with the sauce.
7. Put to heat oil in a pan.
8. When oil is hot, just pass the tortillas in the oil, dont leave in oil too much time because you dont want to toast the tortillas. (This step you can skip if you want a dish without grease)
9. Pass the Tortillas in the sauce.
10. Add cheese to fill the tortillas or if you want and like also you can fill with chicken. Fold the tortillas or make a taco.
11. Add sauce as you wish over the tacos use a spoon.
12. Add cream, cheese and avocado over the tortillas with the sauce fill with cheese.

Enjoy your easy Mexican breakfast.

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