lunes, 30 de octubre de 2017

Delicious Breakfast... Chilaquiles with beef steak


Are you or your family bored of take the same breakfast all days? Why not to try something new, this delicious dish from Oaxaca Mexico y delicious and easy to make..If you want to try continue reading or see the video.


For sauce:
4 tomatoes.
1 Guajillo Chile.
1 Chile ancho.
1 Pasilla Chile.
3 Garlic cloves.
1/2teaspoonful of cumin.
1/4 teaspoonful of oregano.
2 Bay leaves
2  Allspice.
1/4 teaspoonful of vegeta stock powder.
 2 tiny spring of thyme.
1/4 Onion.
Salt to taste.
1/2 teaspoonful of sugar.

For beef steak:
Beef steak.
Sal to taste.
Pepper to taste.
3 Garlic finely chopped.

For Chilaquiles:
230gr. of Tortilla Chips.
Fresh cheese.

How to prepare:
 1. Add to the beef steak garlic finely chopped, salt and pepper to taste.. Put aside for 1 hour or more.
2.  For make the sauce the first thing to do is boil the tomatoes and the chiles separately.
3.  In the mixer, add the tomatoes previously boiled and the 3 different kind of chiles. If you cant find one of them you can substitute with bit of Chipotle sauce.
4. Add bit of water, just to cover the tomatoes and the chiles. No more.
5. Add 1/4 of onion, 2 allsipeces, the 3 garlic cloves, 1 small piece of cinnamon, 2 bay laves, 2 tiny spring of thyme.. removing the spring. 1/2 teaspoonful of cumin, 1/4 of teaspoonful of oregano, 1/4 of teaspoonful of vegetable stock powder, 1/4 of teaspoonful  of salt or salt to taste, 1/2 teaspoonful of sugar.. Mix all and put aside.
6. To sear the beef steak you can use a Teflon pan and add a little bit of oil. Sear until golden brown, remember the steak should be about an hour or more with the garlic, salt and pepper before sear.
7. In other pot put to heat a bit of oil and then with strainer add the sauce and add bit more of water if necessary.
8. Leave to boil the sauce and fusion all flavors.
9. Add the tortilla chips little by little and depends of you how much time you want to leave it inside the sauce, in my case I like to leave not so hard so I leave like3 to 5 min more.
10. Serve with the beef steak and add cream and cheese to taste. you can add also avocado.

Enjoy your traditional mexican breakfast!!!

viernes, 27 de octubre de 2017

Creamy Chile poblano stripes

Creamy Chile Poblano Stripes.

This is a healthy and delicious recipe, is a typical dish from México and you can eat on Tacos or tortilla chips.. you will love it, in case you cant get Poblano Chile you can substitue with green bell pepper or why not, try with other kind of pepper... Next you will find the complete recipe...


5 Poblanos Chiles
(substitute with green
bell pepper).
1 Cup of Corn.
1 Cup of Cream.
1/2 Onion.
1 tsp of vegeta stock powder.
Salt to taste.
3 Cut pieces of Gouda cheese
or the one you like
the most.
1 Cut piece of Feta Cheese.

How to prepare:

1. Sear the chile for all sides.
2.Put in a bag, close and let to cool down.
3.Once cold, remove the skin of the chile.
4. Remove the up part and the seeds.
5. Cut the chiles in stripes and put aside.

For poblano chile cream:
1. Use the stripes of one Poblano chile.
2. Add 1 Tablespoon of Corn kernels.
3. Add the cream cup.
4. Salt to taste and half teaspoonful of vegeta stock powder.
5. Add the 3 cut pieces of Gouda Cheese or the cheese of your choose.
6. Add the small piece of Feta cheese.
7. Mix all ingredients in the mixer and put aside.

Preparation of the Chile Poblano Stripes:
1. In a pan put to heat a bit of oil.
2. Add the onion already cutted into julienne and let it fry until transparent.
3. Once transparent, add the stripes of Poblano Chile and fry with the onion, mixing and combine perfectly.
4. Add the Corn Kernel and combine well all ingredients.
5. Add the cream that you prepare with the Poblano chile.
6. Mix and combine well.

Enjoy your delicious Poblano Chile stripes...😏😄

miércoles, 25 de octubre de 2017

Garnachas Istmeñas (How to make)


Try this delicious Garnachas Istmeñas you could not eat only one!. This dish is traditional and from the Istmo of Tehuantepec (Oaxaca). You will find in traditional restaurants of the town where also you can find Empanadas, tostadas, tlayudas. This is the way my mam prepare, it is delicious.. I hope you like it and prepare. with this you can try a bit of my beautiful town...💓💓💓😊.


Ingredients (5 Portions):

For dough of corn pancake:
2 Cups corn flour.
2 Tablespoon of wheat flour.
1 pinch of salt
Water as required.

For fill:
1/4 Minced meat.
1/2 Onion finely chopped.
Salt to taste.
Homemade tomato
Vegeta stock powder.

Pickle Cabbage:
1/4 Cabbage.
500ml. of Water.
500ml. of Pineapple or
Apple vinegar.
1 Teaspoonful of salt.
Aged cheese.

How to prepare: 

1. Since once day before you need to grate the cabbage and prepare putting in a container 500ml of water and 500 ml of pineapple vinegar, if you cant find pineapple vinegar, you can substitute using apple vinegar. Add a teaspoonful of salt and grated cabbage. Leave it rest for one day.

For dough of corn pancakes:
1. Put two cups of Corn flour in a bowl. Add 2 Tablespoon of wheat flour and 1 pinch of salt. Mix with hands and add bit by bit the water until get a pliable dough... not so hard.. not so soft, you will notice when ready the dough will not be stick on your hand.
2. Give it shape to the dough as you see on the video, don't do it so thick.
3. Put to heat a pan and when is hot add one by one the corn pancakes leave from 4-5 min each side. Review all the time if you see is not done on that time leave bit more time until ready, the color will change and will not be stick on the pan.
4. Cut the corn pancakes in the half and remove the dough of the middle, as you can see on the video. Should look like small plate.

For fill: 
1. Put to boil the minced meat, leave until water evaporated.
2. Once ready put to heat oil in other pan.
3. Add the onion finely chopped. Fry and leave until transparent.
4. Add the minced meat previously boiled, let it fry until golden. Add salt to taste and vegeta stock powder.

1. In a pan put to heat enough oil to fry the Garnachas.
2. Fill with meat the corn pancake already cut by the half.
3. Add it and fry for about 2 min or less, depend of how much crunchy you like. If you like not too much crunchy leave less time. when you fry, add the homemade sauce above the meat like you see on the video. If you want to see how to make the sauce you can see or read my recipe of ENTOMATADAS where I explain how to make it, this is the sauce I am using in the Garnachas, If you like you can add also chili to the sauce.
4. When already fry. You can put in a plate with paper to dry the excess of oil. traditionally you don't need to put in this.. you just serve as removing from pan. This garnachas to taste delicious should be serve at the moment you remove from pan. At that moment add the aged cheese and cabbage pickled  to each garnacha.

That´s all.. Hope you enjoy your delicious and traditional Garnachas Istmeñas.

sábado, 21 de octubre de 2017

Pecan Cookies filled with jam.


For this Rainy day you can try this Pecans cookies fill with Jam, In my case I use Strawberry jam but you can use the one of your choose.


225g. Softened butter.
1/2 Cup brown sugar.
2 Eggs,
1 tsp. of vanilla.
3 Cups of flour.
1/4 tsp. of salt.
1 Cup of pecans finely chopped or grounded.
Strawberry jam or the one you prefer.

How to prepare:

1. Bate the butter and the sugar until creamy.
2. Add the eggs one by one and the teaspoonful of vanilla.
3.Bate all ingredients.
4. In other container sift the flour and salt.
5. Gradually add to the mixture, until put completely, review and add less or more until pliable dough,
6. In a mold put baking paper, if you don´t find, you can grease with oil and flour.
7. Take a small part of the mass and give it shape with the two hands.
8. Roll into the pecans finely chopped.
9. To the oven pre-heated to 200C.
10. In oven from 15-20 min.
11. Put to cool down and you can enjoy with coffe.

Enjoy your pecans cookies fill with strawberry jam.

lunes, 9 de octubre de 2017

Teriyaki Noodles.. Easy recipe.. :)


Helloooo... today I would like to present you this recipe, Teriyaki Noodles, I use beef bistek, but if you prefer you can use chicken breast, shrimps or just vegetables, is really delicious and easy to make, hope you try and told me how was.

  • 2-3 Pieces Beef Bistek.

Spice the Bistec:
  • Salt to taste.
  • Vegetal Stock powder
  • (Optional).
  • Chilli powder(Optional).
  • 3 Garlic cloves.
  • Pepper to taste.

  • 500gr. of Noodles.
  • 1/4 of Onion.
  • 2 Allspice.
  • 2 Garlic cloves.

For preparing:
  • 2 Carrots.
  • 1 Big Zucchini.
  • 2 Green Chilli.
  • 1/4 Of Onion.
  • 1 Cup of Broccoli.
  • Teriyaki sauce.
  • Soy sauce.
  • Worcester Sauce.

How to prepare:

1. Finely chopped the 3 garlic cloves.
2. Chopped the beef bistec or the meat that you choose.
3. To spice the meat that you choose or shrimps:
  • Add the chopped garlic.
  • Add teaspoonful of Vegeta or Vegetable stock powder (Optional).
  • Add 2 teaspoonful of chilli in powder(Optional).
  • Add salt to taste(Just remember that you will use soy sauce and if you use vegeta also dont need to use too much salt, so, dont use too much salt, just a pinch)
  • Add pepper to taste.
Put to mix all flavors of spices with meat from half to one hour.

4. Put to heat in a pan oil and add the meat with spices. Fry until golden. Leave the meat in low heat and mix to not burn.
5. In other pan. Add bit of oil and fry 1/4 of Onion chopped into julienne until transparent, add the green chilli chopped into slices until golden. Add to the meat and mix. Leave in low heat. Continue mixing. 
6. In the same pan that you used for fry the onion and the chilli, fry the carrot until slightly browned (no need to add more oil). When it begins to golden, add it to the meat and mix it to integrate, the fire where the mixture is, keep in low light, do not stop mixing the ingredients.
7. In the same pan fry the broccoli cup until golden brown and add to the meat. Mix, integrate and keep low heat.
8. In the same pan fry the zucchini until they brown,at the end, add to the meat mixture and integrate with all the vegetables.
9. It's time to add the sauces:
  • Add 4 tablespoons of teriyaki sauce
  • Add 3 tablespoons of English sauce.
  • Add 2 teaspoons of soy sauce.
10. Mix until all the sauces are integrated. You can add the sauces slowly and try. Especially for the soy sauce, if you put too much the food becomes very salty, will depend of the brand you use.Becareful when adding it.
11. Add the boiled noodles (To boil the noodles: 1/4 onion, 1 branch of thyme, 2 bay leaves, 2 allspice,1 teaspoon of oil and 500gr of noodles.
Boil for 15-20 min or the time that says on the bag of the noodles,check the noodles not so doughy or so hard, check it when you finish boiling put it in a strainer and add fresh water, let it dry.)
12. After adding the noodles, add 3 tablespoons more of  teriyaki sauce, 2 tablespoons more of English sauce and 1 teaspoon more of soy sauce. Mix together with the vegetables perfectly and try, if necessary add more sauce, and it will depend on your taste.

Enjoy your Noodles Teriyaki 😊😊😊.

viernes, 6 de octubre de 2017

Entomatadas(Easy breakfast and delicious).


Entomatadas are part of the Mexican gastronomy. Is a typical dish that usually people serve as breakfast. In some parts of the republic it is accompanied with Tasajo (thinly sliced grilled beef).This dish is delicious and easy to prepare, you can add chili if you want.


6 Tomatoes.
1/4 Onion.
2 Garlic clove.
1/2 tsp.Cumin.
1 level tsp. Vegetable
stock powder.
1/4 tsp. thyme.
Salt to taste.
Pepper to taste.
1 Cinnamon chunks.
1 bay leaf.

How to prepare:

1. Boil the tomatoes.
2.Once boiled. Add to the mixer with onion and 2 garlic cloves (Garlic is optional, you can add only one or if you dont like just put onion).
3. Add 1/2 teaspoonful of cummin, 1 teaspoonful of Vegeta (Vegetable stock powder), Salt to taste, pepper to taste, 1/4 teaspoonful of thyme, 1 cinnamon chunks, 1/2 teaspoonful of Oregano, 1 Bay leaf and water that should cover tomatoes just up to tomatoes
4. Mix all ingredients.
5. Put a pot in medium heat and with strainer add the tomato sauce that you prepare.
6. Leave to boil until integrated all spices with the sauce.
7. Put to heat oil in a pan.
8. When oil is hot, just pass the tortillas in the oil, dont leave in oil too much time because you dont want to toast the tortillas. (This step you can skip if you want a dish without grease)
9. Pass the Tortillas in the sauce.
10. Add cheese to fill the tortillas or if you want and like also you can fill with chicken. Fold the tortillas or make a taco.
11. Add sauce as you wish over the tacos use a spoon.
12. Add cream, cheese and avocado over the tortillas with the sauce fill with cheese.

Enjoy your easy Mexican breakfast.

lunes, 2 de octubre de 2017

Homemade Chocolate brownies with walnuts

Chocolate Brownies with walnuts



180 gr Butter.
100 gr Dark Chocolate.
3/4 Cup granulated sugar.
1/2 Cup brown sugar.
1/4 Cup cocoa.
4 Eggs.
1 Tspf Vanilla.
1 Cup all-purpose flour.
100 gr Walnut.
1/4 Tspf Baking Powder.
1/4 Tspf salt.
Glass sugar.

How to prepare:

1. Toast the walnuts for about 5-7 min in stove, remove when you start smell of toast in walnuts. Also you can put in microwave oven and remove when you start to smell of the walnuts toast.

2. In a pot melt the 180gr. of butter and the 100gr of dark chocolate.

3. Move from the heat and add the 3/4 of cup of white sugar and the 1/2 cup of brown sugar, mix until combine, should look sandy, you don’t need to use hand mixer because you don’t want that look like cake. Brownies should be thin.

4. Add the eggs one by one, mixing until combine, every time you add one, just like you see on the video.

5. Add 1 teaspoonful of vanilla and mix.

6. In one plate add the cup of flour and mix with 1/4 of teaspoonful of baking powder.

7. Add the flour and the baking powder already mixed to the pot with chocolate.

8. Add 1/4 of Teaspoonful of Salt and mix.

9. Add 1/4 of cup of cocoa sifting (Using strainer) and mix. If you like the chocolate like me, you can add bit more. 

10. Add the walnuts finely chopped and toasted, mix until combine.

11. In a square recipe you can add wax paper for cooking, if you didn’t have or didn’t find you can grease the mold with oil and flour.

12. Add the mix to the mold and put in oven pre-heated to 180C.

13. My brownies were ready in 20 min. but this will change depend of your oven. The best way to check if this delicious brownies are ready is using a toothpick, if it´s clean means is ready, also when brownies is ready you will notice didn´t shine up.

14. Cut into squares and decorate with glass sugar, using the strainer up the brownies.

Enjoy your easy and delicious Chocolate brownies with walnuts.