lunes, 29 de enero de 2018

Deviled Eggs, Easy and delicious appetizer.


Hello, today I will prepare, Deviled Eggs. So easy and delicious appetizer that will pull you through if you have surprise visitors or any meeting because you can combine with different ingredients that you have in home, but the mean ingredient, Boiled Eggs. In my case I add Salami and Cucumber pickle, but, you can add instead ham, deviled ham, tuna, vegetables finely chopped. Want to prepare?. Next complete recipe.

6 Eggs.
1 1/2 Tablespoon of mayonnaise (Add less or more if you wish)
1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard.
1/4 Cup Salami (Finely chopped)
1/4 Cup Cucumber Pickle (Finely chopped)
1/4 teaspoon Paprika or red pepper powder or Dry chili.
Salt to taste.
Pepper to taste.
Dry chives or Dry parsley.

How to prepare:
1. Add carefully 6 eggs on a pot and place in the stove.
2. Add water, covering the eggs. Put in medium-high flame.
3. When boil well, is time to cover the pot and put in low flame.
4. Leave them in low flame for 12 minutes.
5. After 12 minutes, remove from stove and add eggs in a container with ice.
6. Let it cold for 15 minutes, if necessary change water and add more ice.
7. Once eggs cool down, remove carefully the shell of each one, you will need first hit a bit the egg and then remove the shell.
8. Cut the eggs in half and with small spoon remove the yolk and put in a plate.
9. Place the whites in other plate and put aside.
10. Mix the yolks using a fork and then add mayonnaise, mustard, salami finely chopped, cucumber pickle finely chopped, paprika, salt, pepper and dry chives. Mix perfectly all ingredients.
11. Fill the whites with the yolk mixture.
12.Decorate with dry chives, paprika and if you have in home add fresh parsley.

jueves, 25 de enero de 2018

Crunchy and delicious homemade churros with chocolate sauce


The truth is, I love churros but now, is a bit hard to find that's why I decide to make by myself  and here it is how I make my churros, they are crunchy for outside but soft by inside, perfect to pair with a chocolate sauce or with Cajeta (Milk caramel) or even with Marmalade. I will put the link of my Milk caramel(Cajeta) at the end of the post. Also you can pair with a hot coffee or why not, a delicious Atole, at the end also will leave the link of my milk caramel atole. I didn't fill the churros because for that I will need a special bakery cone and I don't  have, but if you have, you can fill the churros after you finish frying just before you roll into sugar.

1 Cup of wheat  flour
70gr. Butter.
1 Cup of water (for each cup of flour 1 cup of water, if you want more churros you can use 2 cups of flour and 2 cups of water). Also take into account that at the moment yo heat the water, it will evaporate that's why you need to add bit more water in my case I add 1/4 of cup more.
1 Cinnamon stick.
1/2 teaspoon of salt.
1 teaspoon of vanilla.
1 Egg, if you you use 2 cups of flour then you can use 2 eggs.
Oil. The necessary to deep fry the churros.
1 Cup of sugar.
1 teaspoon of cinnamon (Optional)
1 Bakery cone in star shape or the shape you had but with this shape, it is made the churros.
For chocolate sauce.
110gr chocolate for melt.
1/2 cup of whipping cream.
1 Tablespoon of butter (Optional) is for give shine to the chocolate.

How to prepare.

1. Sift the flour.
2. Put to heat the the 1 1/4 of cup of water with the cinnamon stick. When your start feeling the smell of the cinnamon and the water change of color, remove the cinnamon.
3. Add the butter and move until completely dissolve.
4. Remove from heat and add the flour moving with a wood spoon until you see the dough is not sticky to the pot  and let it cool down for some moment.
5. When the dough is at room temperature or at least not too hot is the time to add the egg and mix with the wood spoon until perfectly combine. It will take time and work to mix perfectly until get the desired consistency. You can see also the video.
6. With spoon add the dough to the pastry bag.
7. Put oil in a pan or pot and heat in high flame. to check if is hot add a bit of the dough and if start to make bubbles is ready. the oil need to be hot to start frying the churros.
8. Reduce the flame to medium-high and carefully with the pastry bag, add the churros to the oil cutting with a scissor when desired size, Check video for more information.
9. It is important to put the churros to dry in a plate with a napking for removing the excess of oil.
10. Mix the sugar with the teaspoon of cinnamon or if you prefer only sugar and roll the churros on it.
11. Enjoy the churros hot with a coffee or with atole and pair with a chocolate sauce or with milk caramel (Cajeta) you can also pair with marmalade.

For chocolate sauce.
1. Put to heat the whipping cream.
2. Once heated add the whipping cream to the chocolate and mix perfectly until chocolate melted..
3. Add the butter in case you want to be shiny if not, then just skip this step.
4. Add pinch of salt and mix well.
5. Dip the churros in the sauce and enjoy.

Polenta bites with mushroom easy and delicious starter


These polenta bites with mushrooms are perfect if you will have a small party with your friends or with your family. They are so easy to prepare and so delicious. Note: For this recipe I use blue cheese but you can also use cream cheese or goat cheese. You can add or use less garlic in my case I use 5 garlic cloves. To wash the mushrooms you can also add them in 1 liter of water with 1/4 of lemon juice after removing the skin and then dry them with a napkin.

For polenta:
Olive oil.
1 Cup of polenta.
4 Cups of water.
Salt to taste.
Pepper to taste.
1/2 Cup of parmesan cheese.
1 Tbsp of butter.
For Mushrooms:
500gr.of mushrooms.
Soy sauce.
Dry chives or dry epazote.
Parsley or Coriander.
To decorate:
Cream cheese, goat cheese, blue cheese or the cheese you love the most.
Balsamic vinegar.

How to prepare:
1. To prepare the polenta, if like me, you use instant polenta, this is the procedure. I put to heat in high flame 4 cups of water and add bit of olive oil and salt to taste. When start boil I reduce the heating to low flame and add slowly the polenta and I didnt stop stir. To prepare it takes to me from 5-7 min
2. Remove from heating and add 1/2 cup of parmesan, you can add more or less, it will depend of how much you love the cheese, add pepper to taste, bit more of salt, try first if is needed to add. add 1 tablespoon of butter.
3. Put polenta in a container like the one I put (You can see the video) and add to the refrigerator for 1 to 2 hours. before add the polenta add little bit of oil to avoid the polenta stick to the container.
4.Meanwhile. Prepare the mushrooms, first you need to wash them (You can see the video). Peel the mushrooms, remove the stem and wash them drying at the end with a napkin
5. Cut in slices and finely chopped 5 to 6 garlic cloves and fresh parsley or coriander.
6.In a pan add bit of olive oil and the add the garlic cloves finely chopped and when start smell without burn add the mushrooms and the soy sauce. Let them dry and when start to change the color add the dry chives or dry epazote. When almost ready and dry add the parsley.
7. If is ready the polenta after 1 hour on the refrigerator. Remove from the container and cut in squares or round, as your creativity told XD. Add bit of olive oil and bit of pepper and salt if you think is needed, so first try.
5. In a pan add the polenta and fry until golden  brown for both sides
6. Put in a plate the polenta in squares or round and add the mushrooms already prepared with bit of cream cheese, goat cheese or blue cheese. Use the one you love the most..
7. At the end add bit of balsamic vinegar and enjoy your polenta bites.

Delicious and with too much flavor Lentils soup


On this cold season nothing better than a hot soup and why not to give a try to a lentils soup, delicious and with a lot of flavor. Note: If you prefer, strain the tomato sauce that you blend and at the end thicken it If necessary add cornstarch dissolved in water. 2 tablespoons of cornstarch diluted in 1/2 cup of water and add 10 minutes before serve, stirring with the spoon at low heat. In some Mexican states fried plantain is added, I did not add because I did not find it, but if you want to try it, it gives a delicious flavor. The only thing you need to do is cut into slices and fry it. Add 10 minutes before serve. It will give to the soup a delicious and different flavor too..

250gr. Lentils.
1 Potato.
1 Carrot.
100-150gr Bacon.
4-5 Tomatoes.
1/4 Onion
2-3 Garlic.
Pepper to taste.
Salt to taste.
1/2 tsp. Cumin.
1 tsp. Vegetable stock powder.
1/4 tsp thyme.
1 Cinnamon stick
1 Bay leaf.
1/4 tsp. Oregano.

How to prepare:
1. In a blender, add the tomatoes, onion, garlic, pepper to taste, salt to taste, cumin, vegetable stock powder, thyme, cinnamon, bay leaf and oregano. If you have vegetable or chicken stock powder just add instead of using water and dont add the teaspoon of vegetable stock powder. Mix perfectly.
2. In a pot. Add water and the lentils and put to boil.
3. Meanwhile if like me, want to add bacon, is the time you need to fry without using too much oil because the bacon had already oil.
4. When lentils starts to boil is the time to add the bacon and the sauce that you mix in the blender, in my case I add the sauce without strainer because I wanted to be thick, but f you want you can use strainer before add to the lentils.
5.Add the potato in cubes and the carrot in cubes and leave to boil for 1 hour in medium-low heat.
6. If you want also you can add the secret ingredient of my mom, she likes to use Plantain and it gives a very delicious flavour, if you want to add the plantain just cut into slices not to thin and fry until lightly brown and then 10-15 min before the hour add to the lentils.

Enjoy your delicious lentils soup.

sábado, 13 de enero de 2018

Chicken Orange in stove (Easy and delicious)


Try this delicious Chicken in orange is really easy to make but really tasty. Perfect if you don't want to use the oven but you want a delicious and different dinner, pair it with a delicious mashed potatoes. I use chicken breast and chicken legs but you can use what you like the most.


For marinate:
6 Garlic cloves.
1/2 Orange.
2 Tbsp. Olive oil.
Salt to taste.
Pepper to taste.
Thyme to taste.

For chicken:
1/2 Onion.
5-6 Orange or
2 cups of juice.

How to prepare:

1. The first thing to do is wash the chicken perfectly and the put in water with juice of 1 lemon or more depending of the chicken pieces you will use. Add salt and leave for 1 hour.
2. To marinate the chicken you will need 6 garlic cloves finely chopped or  you can use a mixer and add 1/2  orange, 2 tablespoons of Olive oil, salt to taste, pepper to taste.
3. Once mixed add to the chicken and all thyme to taste. Leave marinate at least 1 hour.
4. In a pan add a bit of oil and sear the chicken, remove and add in a paper to take out the oil excess but if you don't use too much oil as I do then it will not be necessary.
5. In the same pan add a bit more of oil and fry the onion and once soft and transparents add the chicken pieces already sear.
6. Add the juice of 6 oranges or 2 cups of Orange juice.
7.  Cook on low heat,  stir and simmer until thick. If you think is necessary add bit of cornstarch dissolved in water. In my case was not necessary.
8. You can serve with rice or potato