viernes, 2 de febrero de 2018

Hot and Delicious Chocolate chips Cookies Atole


Keep warm with this Chocolate chips cookies Atole, is delicious and creamy, a traditional Mexican Drink that you will love in this cold water. In my case, I use chocolate cookies that I prepare by myself. If you want, you can use Marie Cookies, Oreo Cookies, chocolate cookies from store, or the ones that you love the most. Want to learn how to prepare?. Keep reading.


1 Liter of Milk.
10 Chocolate cookies (Oreo, chocolate chips, marie)
1 Cinnamon Stick
1 tsp.Vanilla.
1 Tbsp Condensed milk (You can substitute with sugar if you don't have condensed milk).
1 Tbsp Cornstarch or if you want to be more thicken you can use 2 Tbsp of cornstarch.
1/4 Cup of water. (If you use 2 Tbsp of cornstarch you will use 1/2 cup of water).

How to prepare:

1. Put to heat 1 liter of milk with the cinnamon stick in medium-low heat.
2. In a mixer add 10 cookies and add bit of milk that is heating to mix. Return the other part of milk in the pot to the stove and leave in low heat.
3. Mix 1 tablespoon of cornstarch with 1/4 cup of water. Make sure to mix well to not have lumps.
4. At first boil, is the time to add the mixture of the cookies with the milk and stir.
5. Add cornstarch that should be diluted in water. Add bit by bit and don't stop stir.
6. Leave for 10 minutes in medium-low heat without stop stir or until get the desired consistency.Atole must not boil.

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