sábado, 31 de marzo de 2018

Easy and Basic Tomato Sauce for Pizza, pasta, etc. and how to store for future use


I love to prepare my own tomato sauce, is a basic and so simple recipe and if you wish you can store for a future use, that's why, I also put on the video the process to conserve the sauce.
Note: Before put to boil the jar, you should wash well with water and soap. It is important to create the vacuum, you will notice that you will not be able anymore to press the middle part of the cap, it will be already down because of the vacuum. When you want to use the sauce. You will hear the click.
I use Dry Oregano and basil because I could not get Fresh but, if you can get fresh, is good also to use.

1 Kg Tomatoes or 7 tomatoes.
1 Small onion or 1/2 Big Onion.
3 Garlic Cloves.
1-2 Teaspoon of Oregano or to taste (You can use Fresh Oregano).
1-2  Teaspoon of Basil (You can use fresh basil)
Salt to taste.
Pepper to taste.
1/2 Cup Red Wine (You can use also Chicken or vegetable soup) or ( 1 tsp of Vegetable or chicken stock powder and water)
1 Teaspoon of sugar.
1/2- 1 Teaspoon of paprika or chili powder.

Como preparar:
1.Cut the surface of the tomatoes in shape of X and put to boil for about 5 minutes. Remove from heat and pass into cold water.
2. Remove the skin and the seeds of the tomatoes.
3. Separate 3 tomatoes and blend.
4. In a pan, add bit of oil, the onion finely chopped, the garlic cloves finely chopped and fry some minutes, take care to not burn none of this ingredients.
5.Add the 4 tomatoes that you separate without seeds and skin and mix  with the onion and garlic, crush and leave to heat in medium-low flame. Add the 3 tomatoes previously blended and mix.
6. Add salt to taste, pepper to taste, sugar, paprika or chilli powder, dry or fresh oregano in my case I use 1 tsp of dry oregano. Basil I use 1 1/2 tsp of basil, you can use also fresh basil, red wine. Mix and leave the sauce in low heat, check if need more salt and add if necessary. Leave sauce in low heat for about 30 min stir occasionally and remove from flame. The sauce is ready, you can use for your pizza, pasta or you can save for later. You need to sterilize the jar that you will use to save.
7.For sterilize, wash well the jar with soap and water. Then, put to boil from 10-15 min. Remove with a cooking tweezers and let to dry upside down some minutes.
8. Next step is add the sauce to our jar. The sauce must be hot and you should fill completely, up to the top. Mix with spoon, removing the air and clean with a napkin the thread so when you cover with the cap, close well. Let to cool down at room temperature upside down to allow to create the vacuum, you will notice that the middle part of the cap is down because of the vacuum and when you want to use the sauce, you will hear a click.
9. The time to store this sauce is like 2 months aprox.

martes, 27 de marzo de 2018

Easy and delicious Potato Gratin


I really love potatoes, that's why, I prepare this potato gratin, one of my favorites dishes with a twist :))). As I say in the video, I use small baking dish just because of the video. The one that I use in home is not in good conditions. Is recommended to use a baking dish of 25x30Cm or 25x35 Cm. If you don't have then you can use two Like I did.


1Kg. of Potatoes.
5-6 Spring onion.
350gr. Mushrooms.
100gr Ham.
3 Garlic Cloves.
300ml Cream.
250ml Milk.
Parmesan cheese to taste.
Trapist, gouda, manchego Cheese. or the one you love the most.
Salt to taste.
Pepper to taste.
1/4 tsp. Nutmeg.

How to prepare:

1. Fry the mushrooms with little bit of olive oil, salt and pepper to taste. After some minutes add the garlic cloves finely chopped. When water of mushrooms reduce. Add the dry chives or dry parsley.
Freír los champiñones con un poquito de aceite de oliva, sal y pimienta al gusto. Fry for some minutes more and remove from heat.
2.In a pot. put to heat in low-medium flame the cream and the milk with bit of salt, pepper and nutmeg. After some minutes add the parmesan cheese if you wish. i use 1/2 cup. Let to boil and simmer a bit. Let to cool down.
3.Cut the potatoes in thin slices and add in water to not change color, finely chop the spring onion.
4. In a baking tray add one layer of potatoes adding salt and pepper and bit of thyme. Remember when you put potato at oven you need to add bit more of salt. Add a layer of spring onions, cream, mushrooms, ham and the cheese. In my case I use Parmesan and trappista. You can use the one you like the most or the one you have in home.
5. Repeat this process until finish the ingredients and in the last layer of potato just add cream, cheese and spring onions.
6. Take to the oven preheated to 180 C from 50 to 70 min. In my case, it takes 50 min. But will depend of your oven. Remove from oven. Let to cool down and enjoy.

viernes, 23 de marzo de 2018

Lava cake- Easy and delicious dessert.


Some time before I tried this delicious dessert and I fall in love completely... Why? Who doesn't love chocolate? :))). What will be of the world without chocolate?....Well... In that moment, I thought... What kind of sorcery is that?.I imagine that you need to be expert to makes this dessert, but, one day I really wanted to eat one so I try to prepare, I research too much recipes to do this dessert and try different chocolates and different amounts. The ones I had in home, I use one chocolate for melting with less percentage of chocolate, the result... more liquid, but still delicious :)). If you want to have a better result use semisweet or bittersweet chocolate. I use a chocolate with 70% of cocoa, but,  with a chocolate of 35-40% will be great also. I use Ramekins, but, you can use Individuals muffins molds.
TRICK: At the moment that u add butter and flour to your mold, remove the excess of flour and tap the mold upside down in a plane surface. With this,your cake will looks better. You want to prepare this recipe:

160 gr of chocolate. (Semisweet or bittersweet)
100gr. butter.
3 Eggs.
30gr. or 2 Tablespoon of flour.
70gr. o 4 Tablespoon of sugar.
1 Pinch of salt.
1/4 Cup of Hazelnuts or pecan ground and toasted. (If you put to toast in the microwave oven it will take from 2-3 min and in stove from 5-6 min).

How to prepare:
1.Melt chocolate and butter, over a bain Marie, stir occasionally and let to cool down.
2. Grease and flour each of the baking mold you are using. Ramekins or individuals muffins molds. tap upside down the mold. With this trick you can remove easily the cake and will looks better.
3.In a bowl, mix the eggs, sugar, pinch of salt and the vanilla. Whisk perfectly until combine well all the ingredients and then,add the chocolate that will not be  too hot by this moment. Add slowly mixing and add the flour, continue mixing until removing the lump.The final touch, add the ground hazelnuts or pecans and mix until combine.
4. Add the mixture in each mold, do not overfill. Leave like 2 Cm without filling. Cover with plastic wrap and take to the freezer the ones you will not use in that moment. When you need, remove from freezer, leave them until they are at room temperature and put to bake. With this mixture you can fill 4 ramekins or from 5-6 individuals muffins molds.
5. Take to the oven preheated to 200 C from 8 to 10 min. It will depend of your oven. In my case it takes just 10 min. If you want to be more liquid than mine then just leave like 8 min. as recommendation don't take to the oven all at same time. Put only one to try and then you will decide if need more or less time. Something that you will notice that the edges start to be cracked and medium still down. In that moment you can remove from oven.
6.Decorate with icing sugar and add some fruits if you wish and pair it with a delicious Ice cream.

martes, 20 de marzo de 2018

Easy, economic and delicious Fried Rice-Chinese style.


This fried rice is so easy to prepare and economic, also, you can use the vegetables you have in home and substitute the shrimp with chicken or rice or just with vegetables is delicious. Also you can use the leftover rice. You will not be regret if you prepare. In the video I forgot to add the zucchini, but, if you want to add. After fry some minutes the carrot, add the zucchini and fry. I am using a different type of soy sauce, is more sweet than salty, that's why I add more.

1 Cup of boiled rice.
1-2 Carrots.
1 Small Zucchini.
3/4 a 1 Cup of green peas.
1-2 Tbsp of soy sauce.
1-2 Tbsp of sweet and sour sauce. (chinese sauce)
5-6 Spring onions. 
Shrimps (I use 500gr).

For marinate Shrimps:
1-2 teaspoon of soy sauce.
1-2 teaspoon of sweet and sour sauce.
3 Garlic Cloves finely chopped.
Pepper to taste.

To prepare rice:
1 Cup of rice (Wash the rice before using).
1 teaspoon of chicken or vegetable stock powder. (If you have chicken or vegetable stock, use instead of water).
2 1/4 Cup of water.
Bit of Olive Oil.

How to prepare:
1. Clean and wash very well the shrimps.
2. In small plate, mix 1-2 tsp. Soy sauce, 1-2 tsp. Sweet and sour sauce and 3 garlic cloves finely chopped.
3. Add the mixture to the shrimps, mix and leave to marinate for 1 hour at least.
4. If you have leftover rice, you can use, but if you want, you can prepare your boiled rice, you will need to put to boil 2 1/4 Cup of water (You can substitute with chicken stock), Add 1 tsp of vegetable or chicken stock powder (If you use chicken or vegetable stock instead of water, you will not need add this) and add Bit of oil. when is boiling add the rice previously washed and cover it. Leave in medium-low heat from 15 to 20 min. When is ready leave to cool down and then put in the refrigerator from 1 to 2 hours before using.
5. In a pan, add bit of Olive Oil and when is hot add the spring onions finely chopped, fry and then add the carrots in cubes or grated then add the zucchini in cubes or grated, fry some minutes more and add 3/4 to 1 cup of green peas. Add the shrimps, fry all ingredients and add 1 Tablespoon of soy sauce and 1 Tablespoon of sweet and sour sauce. Mix and fry all. Add the rice that was in the refrigerator about 1 hour and mix with all ingredients. In my case I add 1 Tablespoon of soy sauce and 1 Tablespoon of sweet and sour sauce, mix well, fry and in some minutes more will be ready.

Enjoy :)

jueves, 15 de marzo de 2018

Super easy and delicious Almond-Parmesan Crusted Salmon.


You want a delicious and super easy dinner or lunch. Try this crispy salmon with almonds and parmesan. You will love it. You can use only parmesan or only almonds or substitute the almonds with walnuts. Just what you have in home and will be delicious. If you use only 1 of this ingredients then you will use 1/2 Cup.


1/4 Cup Ground Almonds.
1/4 Cup Parmesan Cheese.
1/4 Cup Panko or breadCrumbs.
5 Garlic Cloves. Ground or finely chopped.
2 Tablespoon of melted butter.
Salt to taste.
Pepper to taste.
Paprika or Chilli powder.
1 Lemon.

How to prepare.
1. Marinate the salmon with the juice of 1 lemon, pepper to taste and salt to taste.Marinate for 1/2 hour at least.
2. Cut the potatoes in slices, in a baking mold add bit of olive oil and put the potatoes, add salt, pepper and paprika to taste. A little bit more of oil over the potatoes, mix and distribute.The oil is good to not dry potatoes in oven.
3. Take to the oven Preheated to 180 C for 20 min.
4. In a bowl, add 1/4 Cup of ground almonds, 1/4 Cup of parmesan, 1/4 Cup of Panko or breadcrumbs, 5 ground garlic cloves and 2 tablespoon of melted butter. Mix and put aside..
5. Remove potatoes from oven after 20 min and then, add above the potatoes the salmon. Add mustard over the salmon and cover with the mixture of almond and parmesan. (Check on video for more information).
6. Take to the oven at 180 C from 15 to 20 min more.
7. Ready, enjoy this delicious and so easy dish.

domingo, 11 de marzo de 2018

Super Easy and Apple-Cinnamon Muffins


This muffins are super easy and quick to prepare and they are so so delicious too, perfects for breakfast or dinner paired with coffee, tea, milk, chocolate or your favorite beverage. It will take like 30 min to prepare. Something I love about this recipe is that you don't need an electric mixer. You want to see how I prepare?

2 Apples.
2 Eggs at room temperature.
2 1/2 Cup of flour.
1 Cup of Sugar.
1 3/4 tsp. of baking powder.
3/4 tsp. Salt.
1/4 tsp. Baking soda.
1 tsp. Ground cinnamon.
1/2 tsp. Nutmeg.
1/4 Cup Milk at room temperature.
100gr. Melted butter at room temperature.
1 Cup of Hazelnut or Walnuts.

To sprinkle:
2 tsp of Brown sugar.
1 tsp. Ground cinnamon.
Hazelnuts or walnuts finely chopped.

How to prepare:
1. In a bowl add the dry ingredients, Start with 2 1/2 cups of flour, 1 3/4 tsp of baking powder, 3/4 tsp. Salt, 1/4 tsp.of baking soda, 1 tsp of ground cinnamon and 1/2 tsp. nutmeg. Mix well and put aside.
2. In other bowl we will mix the wet ingredients. Add 1 cup of sugar and the 2 eggs. 1 by 1, mixing until incorporate, removing the lumps, then, 1/4 Cup of milk that must be at room temperature this is important because after we will add the 100gr of melted butter that also must be at room temperature because we don't want Scrambled eggs, 1 tsp of vanilla and 2 grated apples. Mix well.
3. Toast the hazelnuts or walnuts in microwave oven for about 3 min or in the stove for 6 min.
4. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix until combine, do not over-mix. The final touch 1 cup of ground or finely chopped toasted hazelnuts or walnuts and mix.
5.  In the muffins mold put the paper cups or baking paper or just a bit of oil with flour to not stick the muffins. Take one portion with scoop and add to the mold, if you don't have scoop add 2 tablespoon of mixture.
6. Take to oven preheated to 180 C from 15 to 20 min. Review with a toothpick because if you leave the muffins more time they will be dry.
7. Let to cool down, covering with a cloth and enjoy.

domingo, 4 de marzo de 2018

Creamy and Delicious Cheesecake with jam.


The classic cheesecake with a jam topping that you will love. I use Raspberry Jam, but also will be perfect if you use Apricot or strawberry jam.
While was on oven it appear a crack, even so, the pie was delicious but, what was the problem?. So you can avoid. I forgot to low the temperature to 160 C, My oven was on 180 C and when I notice I change to 160 C. The change of temperatures is a factor that makes cracks appear, besides, I should mix bit more before adding the eggs to not have lumps. If you want a perfect pie without cracks, this are the recommendations you must follow:
- Grease the mold so when remove from oven don't appear cracks or just immediately after removing from oven pass a knife around the pie so when contracting did not stick to the sides.
- Over- mix can cause that air bubbles to get trapped inside. These bubbles are the main cause of the cracks.
- Mix well the rest of the ingredients before adding the eggs to reduce the amount of bubbles trapped. After adding eggs you should be careful to not over- mix, only to incorporate.
- Put the mold in double boiler. For this,  you should line the mold with aluminum foil and then add it in a bigger mold with warm water and put in oven.
- You must bake at 160 C. The extreme temperatures or sudden changes can cause the pie crack.
In my case for recording I leave the pie 1 hour to room temperature, 2 hours on refrigerator before putting the topping and 2 hours more with the topping. My recommendation is to eat until next day. The flavor is much better.

For crust:
150gr. of ground cookies.
70-100gr. of butter.
20-30gr of ground walnuts
1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon.
1 Pinch of salt.

For the filling:
700gr Cream cheese. (Room temperature)
1 Cup sugar.
1 teaspoon of vanilla.
1/2 cup of heavy cream.
1 Lemon juice (Optional).
4 Eggs. (room temperature).
1 Pinch of salt.

For topping.
340gr. Jam of your choice (In my case I use raspberry jam).
1 1/2 teaspoon of cold water.
1 teaspoon of unflavored gelatin.

How to prepare:
1. In a bowl mix 150gr of ground cookies, 20-30 gr of ground walnuts, 1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon, 1 pinch of salt and 100gr of butter.
2. Add in the tart mold and press with your hands, you can use a glass if necessary to compact and put in oven preheated to 160C from 8-10 min. After remove from oven let it cool down.
3.Meanwhile prepare the filling. In a mixer or electric mixer, add the 700gr of cream cheese and mix in medium speed until soft. Reduce speed to minimum and add the sugar little by little, the 1/2 cup of heavy cream, 1 lemon juice optional, if you don't want to add because you feel will change flavor or will not help to the cheesecake do not add, no problem. Add 1 tsp of vanilla, 1 pinch of salt and mix well. Add the eggs 1 by 1 mix until just combine. Do not over- mix.
4. Pour the cream cheese filling over the crust and with your hands shake the mold to remove the remaining air bubbles.
5. Take to oven preheated to 160 C. It is important to not pass this temperature. Leave in oven for about 50 to 55 min. You will notice around the cheesecake is set but in the middle slightly wobbly . Remove from oven and immediately pass a knife around the pay. This will help to not appear cracks. Let it cold at room temperature at least 1 hour and take to the refrigerator for about 6 hours at least.
6.After 6 hours you can prepare the topping. You will need to mix 1 1/2 tsp of cold water with 1 teaspoon of unflavored jelly in powder and let soften for about 5 min. Heat the jam in medium-low until warm about 2 min and then add the soften gelatin and stir to combine. Remove from heat and let cool slightly.
7.Strain over cheesecake and spread into an even layer. Chill to set for about 2 hours.
8. Remove and you can decorate if want with whipping cream.

Enjoy your delicious and creamy cheesecake :)

martes, 27 de febrero de 2018

Oven baked beef cubes.

Oven Baked Beef Cubes

Some days while was watching TV, I see Jamie Oliver preparing a recipe that I loved, It was a recipe with only 5 ingredients but include Umami paste.. And.. What is Umami paste?? Well, I didn't know also, so I look everywhere and I try to make my version with the ingredients that I have in home, Is not exactly Umami paste because I made a mixture with a sauce that my mom made, but it became so delicious and I use to prepare this delicious Oven Baked Beef Cubes. Looks and sounds complicated but It is really easy. I hope you like the recipe and if it is like this Please help me Sharing or just giving me a lovely comment and giving a like. Did Not cost anything and helps me too much.
Note: Prefer to use Soy sauce Low in sodium or add bit less.
Let's start with the recipe.


For the meat:
500 gr of  Beef in cubes I use veal meat but you can use the one you prefer also can substitute with lamb neck , Pork meat.
Salt to taste.
Pepper to taste.
1 or 1/2 Beer.
1 Tablespoon of Apple vinegar or White wine vinegar.
1 Red onion if you don't have, substitute
1-2 potatoes.
Special sauce. Mi version of Umami with ingredients that I have in home.
1 teaspoon of mustard.

For special sauce:
9 Mushrooms.
1/4 or 1/2 Cup of Parmesan Cheese.
4 Garlics. Finely chopped.
1 teaspoon of chilli powder.
1 1/2 tablespoon of soy sauce.
1 small cinnamon stick ground.
1/2 teaspoon of thyme.
1/2 teaspoon of cumin.
1 Ground Bay leaf.
1 Ground clove
6 Olives finely chopped.
4 Boiled tomatoes or from box. peeled and without seeds.
1 teaspoon of sugar.
1 teaspoon of dry chives or dry parsley.

How to prepare:
1. Mix in a bowl the beef cubes with salt to taste, pepper to taste, 1 teaspoon of mustard, the beer, depending of how much meat you will use. you can use the half of beer or complete. Don't worry for the other half, You can drink it :)). Add the Red Onion and leave to marinate for 1 hour at least.
2. Prepare the sauce, In a pan, add bit of olive oil, 4 garlics finely chopped leave for about 2 minutes and the add the mushrooms in small cubes and 1 tablespoon and half of soy sauce. Leave to reduce a bit the juices, then add 1 teaspoon of chilli powder, 4 olives finely chopped, half teaspoon of thyme and cumin, the small piece of cinnamon stick ground, the ground clove, the ground bay leaf. Leave some minutes and the add 4 tomatoes, mash with the mushrooms and add 1 teaspoon of sugar. Leave the sauce in low heat for about 1/2 hour stir occasionally  and after the half hour is time to add Parmesan cheese, in my case I use a bit more than 1/4 of cup, because I love the cheese. But I think with 1/4 cup is enough. Leave from 5 to 10 min. more in low heat.
3.Remove and let it cold.
4. In a pot, pan, baking tray  add the beef cubes with the onions that were already marinate about 1 hour.
5. Add the sauce and mix perfectly with the beef cubes.
6. Above the beef cubes add the potatoes in slices and push it a bit with your hands. So the potatoes also have the flavor of the sauce.
7. Cover with aluminium foil and take to oven preheated to 180C for about 2 hours.
8. 20 minutes before 2 hours, remove from oven, remove the aluminium foil and put again in the oven for 20 min more.

Enjoy your delicious Oven baked beef cubes.

jueves, 22 de febrero de 2018

Easy to make and so delicious Bread rolls with cheese


This Bread rolls with cheese, are so easy to make, delicious and soft that people around you will think you buy on store. Try to prepare, you will not be regret. You can fill with the cheese you like the most and even you can add cheese with marmalade or use any other sweet filling.
IMPORTANT NOTE: When you remove from oven, let it cool down, covering with a cloth immediately. With this your bread rolls will be soft.

500gr. Flour.
100ml. Oil.
300ml. Milk.
40gr.  Fresh yeast. Also can substitute with powder yeast.
2 teaspoon of salt.
1 teaspoon of sugar.
150gr Cheese that you like. In my case I use Fresh cheese, you can use cream cheese, goat cheese, feta cheese. Etc.
100gr. of Sour cream.

How to prepare:
1. In a bowl, add the flour and salt. Mix until combined.
2. Add the oil, fresh yeast sprinkle with hands, the sugar and the milk. Mix until combine perfectly. At beginning use a spoon then add bit of flour on your hands and mix. If necessary add more flour until the dough can be remove from bowl.
3.In a flat surface, sprinke flour and knead the dough until get the desired consistency. Not sticky and not too hard.
4. Add the dough into the bowl and let it rest until double the size. Covering with a cloth.
5. When dough double the size. Sprikle again flour into the flat surface and remove the dough from the bowl. with care using 2 hands. Knead again for about 1 min and shape into roll. Cut in 3 pieces.
6. Take one of the pieces and with the rolling pin make a circle.
7.Cut in 8 pieces the circle. In the point of each triangle make an aperture using the knife.
8. Mix the cheese with the cream.
9. Put 1 teaspoon of the cheese and cream mixture in the middle of each triangle. (Recommend to see the video also)
10. Close the triangle covering the cheese, seal all the corners and givin the shape of roll. Don't forget to seal perfectly so the cheese keep inside the rolls. Is very important also seail good the point of the triangle at the end to not open.
11.Put the rolls in a baking tray with baking paper. If you don't have baking paper. you can put bit oil and flour on the baking tray.
12. Mix the remaining cheese with the eggs and with a brush add up the rolls. Sprinkle the sesame seeds and a bit of thyme in each one.
13.Put in oven preheated to 180 C from 15-20 min. It will depend of your oven. Can be more or less time.
14. When you remove from oven, let to cool down in the baking tray and cover with a cloth, It will help to the rolls be soft.

Enjoy your delicious bread rolls.

sábado, 10 de febrero de 2018

Valentine's Special Heart Puff Pastry Appetizer

You want to prepare something quick and surprise your family, boyfriend / girlfriend and friends on this Valentine's Day or any other day, Why you don't give a  try  to these simple but delicious puff pastries appetizer?. I bring you two delicious options filling with Tuna or Tomato. But why not? Also you can prepare it with Nutella, jam, chocolate or whatever you have at home. I have prepared those beautiful in special shape because Valentine's Day is coming. I wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day and remember, not only on this day we will be good and lovely  with our couple, family, friends, pets. Every day we must show those who Love us how much we love them too. :))


  • Puff pastry (I use bit more than 250 gr, you can use more or less depend of the quantity).
  • Sesame seeds.
  • 1 Egg.
  • 1 Cookie cutter or a pizza cutter.
For Tuna Filling:
  • 1 Can of Tuna.
  • 1-2 teaspoon of mayonnaise. (Add more or less if you want).
  • 1/4 teaspoon of thyme (Add more or less if you want).
  • 4 Olives finely chopped.
  • Pepper to taste.
For tomato Filling
  • 1 Tomato.
  • 100 gr. Mozzarella Cheese, goat cheese or Cream Cheese (Add more or less if you wish).
  • 1/2 teaspoon of basil (Add more or less if you wish)
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

How to prepare:
1. In flat surface add  flour and put the puff pastry.
2. Add flour to the rolling pin to spread the puff pastry.
3. Spread carefully with the roller pin from 4 sides and leave at the end from 3 to 4 mm of thickness. Be Careful to not cut the puff pastry, if this happen, then the final result will not be good. To avoid this. while you are spreading  if you notice the puff pastry is returning then cover and wait 10 min tu continue.
4. With a cookie cutter or pizza cutter we will give the desired shape.
5. When you get the desired shape, in my case I made a heart. Then we put in the center of each the filling that you choose... Tomato or tuna. (You can use other filling that you have in home. Sweet or salty)
6. Paint the edges with the egg using a brush.
7. Cover with the other half pressing the edges, if you wish, you can use a fork to do this better.
8. Paint the hearts above and pinch in the center with a fork. Sprinkle with sesame seeds.
9. Put in oven preheated to 180C from 10 to 15 min.

Tuna filling:
1. Remove the water from the tuna, for this you can use a strainer and press with spoon or fork.
2. Once dried, add in a bowl and mix with mayonnaise, olives finely chopped, Thyme and pepper to taste.

Cheesy tomato filling:
1. Cut the tomato by half and remove the seeds.
2. Cut in small cubes and add it in a bowl.
3. If you choose mozzarella cheese, cut in small cubes..
4. Add the cheese you choose in the bowl and mix with the tomato, add basil and salt and pepper to taste.

lunes, 5 de febrero de 2018

Oven Baked Mashed Potatoes. (Mexican Traditional Way)


Why you don't give a try to this delicious oven baked mash potatoes as a Side dish. This Dish is Traditional from the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. I bet you will not be regret to try.
I add 3 tsp of mustard and 3 Tbsp of sour cream and butter. If you decide to use Egg, add at the end and mix with all ingredients before put in oven. The time in oven will depend. In my case it takes 50 min.

4-5 Potatoes.
1/2 Onion.
3 Carrots.
2-3 Tablespoon of butter.
2-3 Tablespoon of sour cream.
1-3 teaspoon of mustard.

How to prepare:
1. Put to boil the potatoes, It will take more time, in my case, I cut on cubes to boil faster and to be easy to mash, .
2. Cut the carrot in small cubes and put to boil.
3. Fry the onion with bit of butter.  I add bit of oil before add the butter to protect the butter from burn..
4. When the potato is at room temperature mash it.
5. Add the carrot that also must be at room temperature.
6. Add 1 teaspoon of mustard, 2 tablespoon of sour cream and 2 tablespoon of butter, salt and pepper to taste and mix all.
7. Try the potato. In my case, It was necessary add 2 teaspoon more of mustard and 1 tablespoon more of sour cream and butter. This will depend of the mustard you will use and the cream. I add also little bit more of salt.Mix all.
8. If you wish, you can add 1 egg, this is the time to add it. Mix with all ingredients
9. In baking mold or pan add bit of butter and add the mash potato.
10. Take to the oven preheated to 180C. from 50-60 min.
11. In my case, at 40 min. I review and the potato was almost ready, so, I remove the aluminum foil and leave in oven for 10 min more.

Enjoy of your Traditional Oven baked Mash potatoes.

viernes, 2 de febrero de 2018

Hot and Delicious Chocolate chips Cookies Atole


Keep warm with this Chocolate chips cookies Atole, is delicious and creamy, a traditional Mexican Drink that you will love in this cold water. In my case, I use chocolate cookies that I prepare by myself. If you want, you can use Marie Cookies, Oreo Cookies, chocolate cookies from store, or the ones that you love the most. Want to learn how to prepare?. Keep reading.


1 Liter of Milk.
10 Chocolate cookies (Oreo, chocolate chips, marie)
1 Cinnamon Stick
1 tsp.Vanilla.
1 Tbsp Condensed milk (You can substitute with sugar if you don't have condensed milk).
1 Tbsp Cornstarch or if you want to be more thicken you can use 2 Tbsp of cornstarch.
1/4 Cup of water. (If you use 2 Tbsp of cornstarch you will use 1/2 cup of water).

How to prepare:

1. Put to heat 1 liter of milk with the cinnamon stick in medium-low heat.
2. In a mixer add 10 cookies and add bit of milk that is heating to mix. Return the other part of milk in the pot to the stove and leave in low heat.
3. Mix 1 tablespoon of cornstarch with 1/4 cup of water. Make sure to mix well to not have lumps.
4. At first boil, is the time to add the mixture of the cookies with the milk and stir.
5. Add cornstarch that should be diluted in water. Add bit by bit and don't stop stir.
6. Leave for 10 minutes in medium-low heat without stop stir or until get the desired consistency.Atole must not boil.

lunes, 29 de enero de 2018

Deviled Eggs, Easy and delicious appetizer.


Hello, today I will prepare, Deviled Eggs. So easy and delicious appetizer that will pull you through if you have surprise visitors or any meeting because you can combine with different ingredients that you have in home, but the mean ingredient, Boiled Eggs. In my case I add Salami and Cucumber pickle, but, you can add instead ham, deviled ham, tuna, vegetables finely chopped. Want to prepare?. Next complete recipe.

6 Eggs.
1 1/2 Tablespoon of mayonnaise (Add less or more if you wish)
1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard.
1/4 Cup Salami (Finely chopped)
1/4 Cup Cucumber Pickle (Finely chopped)
1/4 teaspoon Paprika or red pepper powder or Dry chili.
Salt to taste.
Pepper to taste.
Dry chives or Dry parsley.

How to prepare:
1. Add carefully 6 eggs on a pot and place in the stove.
2. Add water, covering the eggs. Put in medium-high flame.
3. When boil well, is time to cover the pot and put in low flame.
4. Leave them in low flame for 12 minutes.
5. After 12 minutes, remove from stove and add eggs in a container with ice.
6. Let it cold for 15 minutes, if necessary change water and add more ice.
7. Once eggs cool down, remove carefully the shell of each one, you will need first hit a bit the egg and then remove the shell.
8. Cut the eggs in half and with small spoon remove the yolk and put in a plate.
9. Place the whites in other plate and put aside.
10. Mix the yolks using a fork and then add mayonnaise, mustard, salami finely chopped, cucumber pickle finely chopped, paprika, salt, pepper and dry chives. Mix perfectly all ingredients.
11. Fill the whites with the yolk mixture.
12.Decorate with dry chives, paprika and if you have in home add fresh parsley.